Saturday, December 6, 2008

The People Part of Money

When a Midget Fortune Teller Escaped Prison, the Newspaper Headline was: Small Medium at Large

People's problems are either small, medium, or large. The cure is always the same for all sizes. That's because the size of the problem is an illusion. When it's your problem and in your face, it's always large. When it's someone else's problem it doesn't seem so big. It's like the definition of a recession is when people are out of work but it's a depression when it's you that's out of work.
I'm trying to set some perspective here because the mechanics are all the same. Cut expenses, make more money, get out of debt, build savings. But it's the emotional side that is really the problem. Why are you not 10 million dollars in debt? No really. Whatever debt you have, you did yourself. But really why not millions? Because you cut yourself off at some point, didn't you? Somewhere you said, "yikes, that's enough". So you do have self control. You are in charge of how much you spend. Circumstances didn't run away with you. You did what you did and still you used self discipline and self control and basic money management skill. Congratulations.
You just ignored the arithmetic. If you make one pile of money and you spend 2 piles of money, you've got to pay back that extra pile, but you can't because the next one pile has to cover a new 2 piles.

Money is energy. It follows mechanical principles. Do this and that will happen. It's people that change everything. People are not machines, they are the variables when it comes to money. It's the people part that you need to know about, more than the money part when you're dealing with the subject of money. That's why things don't work out the way they're planned. Things aren't always what they seem.

2 plus 2 equals 2
Two cats plus two birds equals two cats.

My wife had a friend that went to co-dependent group therapy meetings because her boyfriends always walked all over her. My wife told her, "Stop that. Just don't do that anymore. I don't get it. Just kick the bum out and stand up for yourself." Her friend said she can't. She doesn't know how. Well eventually, she started to stand up for herself. With practice and new habits, she made a lot of progress. But it's not easy, because you're making personality changes when you're dealing with emotions. People that give financial advice generally miss this point.
So the starting point is to take a good look at how you got yourself where you are. Remember you're not millions in debt so you do have control. Bad control maybe, but at least you're in control. So like my wife said, "Stop that". Don't do what you did to get yourself in trouble anymore. You can. You might need to learn some new habits but the mechanics of money will take care of itself. Just don't let the people part run crazy. Just stop it.

The people part of money: I want things. I want it. I want it now. I want lots of it. I want lots of it now. It will make feel good. I want to feel good. I deserve it.

The money part of money: It grows when it's left alone. It grows more when you add just a little to it. It makes you feel fantastic just to have it. It's the real security feeling that makes you feel better than having things. It's the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

The Plot Against You

The Phone call: "No my wife's not home. She's out stimulating the economy". The economy is built around people getting in debt. When people borrow money from a bank (buying on credit), the bank counts that debt as an asset. They in fact have just printed up their own pile of money because of your signature. Banks make money but not the old fashioned way from the interest they charge, they make money from your signature. That's why they want you to borrow like crazy because you are manufacturing money for them when you do. They don't care if it takes a lifetime to pay it back. They made their pile of instant cash when you signed, right out of thin air.
Don't fall for it. Don't buy anymore stuff you can't pay for. Stop it.
Do the mechanical parts of money. Do them in this order: Spend less, make more, build a reserve, pay off your debts, build a savings account, save for retirement. But you have a lot to face before you start that stuff. You have to "Stop it".

Martin O'Hara writes on business and personal finance related issues. You can learn more by visiting his blogs, Success With Personal Finance and Money Hidden at:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Top 10 Things to Remember When Times Get Tough

"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too; . . .

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same . . .

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it." -- (Joseph) Rudyard Kipling

In these times of financial turmoil, while nobody can know what's around the corner, I believe wholeheartedly that Kipling had it right. I also believe that the less fear we give in to, the quicker we'll pull out of trouble. In that spirit, here are the top ten things I believe are important to remember in the months ahead:

1. Money and survival are NOT the same. Remember, we survived for thousands of years without money, some cultures still don't use it today. You don't need money as much as you've been trained to think you do. There are people even today that do quite well with barter, or are even self-sufficient. Using money is not the only way to survive, let alone live.

2. So long as you have something to offer, you'll have a way to get what you want. Money's an intermediary that we use for convenience, to give a way to value different things. If you have something to offer that people want, though, then you're in the driver's seat as far as asking for what you want in return. It doesn't have to be money.

3. Worried about getting enough to eat? Food doesn't originate on supermarket shelves. It can be grown as well as bought. In fact, there's an interesting movement called guerrilla gardening that's worth looking up

4. Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Life can sometimes be richer if you focus directly on creating experiences - and a lot of them take surprisingly little money to achieve!

5. There are too many systems, organisations & governments dependent on the monetary system for them to let it fail. It will be propped up, and survive. Meanwhile, think creatively and develop some fall back systems you can rely on to cover your basics, and you'll get through. In fact, you'll probably end up better off!

6. There are other ways to get what you want besides money, and sometimes they're better and faster. Remember "The Secret"? Personally, I love contests when I have my eye on something, but it's important to realise that if you want something, you don't necessarily have to get it through raising money.

7. Besides fear and greed, there is a third path, not ruled by emotional responses to money, and it's the one all the rich people follow. Warren Buffet's not panicking - in fact he's buying up shares by the truckload while they're on sale!

8. A recession, and more so a depression, are when more fortunes are made than any other time.

9. Having nothing to lose is a POWERFUL position to be

10. Money doesn't exist.

...Once you get this last one truly, you'll know exactly how to create as much of it as you need!

Crystal N Woods
Analyst by day, NetCitizen by night, Futurist always.
Follow me as I share my Quest to Escape the Rat Race
and attain the Grail of Financial AND Time Freedom!

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Crystal Woods - EzineArticles Expert Author

Start Using White Cash to Supplement Your Green Cash Pile

Yes, I call coupons white cash Why should I spend the green kind when White Cash is available for free and buys me the same things as green cash? We all have the ability to use white cash You can start using white cash today to save $10, or $100 this week. All you need is a printer, newspaper, and internet service.

Let's start with a printer. You are online right now. All you need to do is search for Free Printable Grocery Coupons. When you do, thousands of websites will offer you savings with white cash Your printer must print these coupons in full color for the grocery store to accept them. This keeps coupon fraud and counterfeiting to a minimum. Yes, even grocery stores know that white cash is just as valuable as green cash. You can print coupons on fast mode to save ink. Definitely, print on recycled paper or the back of scratch paper. The expiration date and the bar code must be clear for stores to accept them.

Next, start picking up the Sunday paper. Many readers throw out their papers, and the junk pages in the middle. These have White Cash stuffed inside. Restaurants, neighbors, and family will keep coupon insert pages for you if you ask. Start keeping as much White Cash as you can. With multiples of coupons you will be able to save even more with your White budget. You will also find the weekly sales circular in the Sunday paper. These will tell you which White Dollars will pack the biggest punch this week. When using White, it's the same as green-if you use it on sale items, the deal is sweeter.

Finally, start browsing. Surf that web! You will find coupon traders, clubs, and websites dedicated to saving you hundreds. They will tell you the tips and tricks to matching up store specials and coupons to get double the savings on your grocery buys. Message boards often connect you to other White Cash users in your local area. These folks may have some coupons that they will not be able to use that they can trade with you for Cash you need.

Now that you have some cash just laying around, you need to treat it like cash. Organize it like you would the green stuff. You would never stuff the green stuff in the bottom of your purse or wallet. You need to keep white cash as organized as green. Buy a simple three ring binder. Then put baseball card holders inside. These nine pocket clear sleeves will organize your Cash for you. It will tell you if your loot is getting ready to expire, or if this week is the time to pull it out to use at the store. Dollar stores often have sleeves for only one green dollar.

Always pick up extra cash at the grocery store on the way out the door. Catalina coupons, store coupons, and discarded white cash are all over the place! You would not pass up a $1 green bill, so don't pass on the white ones. You will start finding these values all over the place once you recondition yourself to see coupons, and true white cash.

LeAnn Moyers helps families save hundreds of dollars on their groceries each week with America Loves Coupons. This free coupon delivery service saves consumers an average of 35% each week on standard grocery and food purchases.

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Is it Too Late to Start Saving?

To overlook the importance of saving money is to spit in the face of security. You can spend an entire lifetime working to reach your financial goals and achieving financial freedom. If, however, you don't capture some of that invested energy in the form of a savings, you're doing yourself a disservice. Use any of the financial calculators available online and see what even just a little bit of money can turn into.

Your savings and any interest should be seen as a form of safety net. It serves to carry you and any loved ones through times where money is scarcer. If that means later in life, or tomorrow, is irrelevant. Valid reasons to tap a savings account could include any of the following:

* Unemployment
* Death of a family member
* Medical expenses
* Auto repairs
* Other unplanned expenses

A savings should never be tapped for trivial purchases or moments of want rather than need. Wanting a new car and needing another car are two very different things. At it's very core, a savings is there to provide in times of need and to avoid unnecessary debt. Your debt, lest you forget, is an income for someone else.

How much is realistic? How much is enough?

Traditionally, you should attempt to save 10 percent of your net earnings, and I'm assuming you have your other retirement monies taken out before tax. This percentage you save can, in time, be raised as you receive promotions. If 10 percent is too much, then that means you have nothing left at month's end. Either you're spending too much or you're well below the poverty line. If the latter is the case, then this isn't the right place for the advice you're needing. Not yet, at least. If the former is the case, then crunch some numbers, come to your senses and get to saving.

It's also been suggested that one should have enough money for anywhere between three and six months living expenses. That means rent, food, insurance and all your other standard monthly expenditures and bills. This is no small chunk of change, so don't feel discouraged. Start with what you can and let it grow. Month for month.

Save yourself from yourself

You'll hear this message from me time and time again. Good habits are great things, but instead of trying to start one with saving... save it. AUTOMATE YOUR SAVINGS! It all starts with good intentions. Then come the distractions. You forget to transfer some of your money to savings once, twice, three times. Next thing you know you've forgotten the whole thing.

You can have the process of having a fixed portion of your net income transferred to savings by either your payroll department or your bank. Once the paperwork's done, you're more than welcome to forget saving the money. In fact, you'll be doing yourself a favor by forgetting it and thusly leaving it alone.

Just how long are you planning to wait?

Thankfully, these days we have a number of devices in place to make retirement not only possible, but potentially enjoyable. The retirement plans our parents and grandparents knew have been replaced with diversified savings and investment plans.

No one thinks about retirement in their twenties, which is a real pity. To start so young creates an enormous potential for savings growth through compounded interest and continual deposits. Run the figures in our savings interest calculator and compare the results. It'll make you want to cry. For the young people reading this, take my word for it: you think you need all that money for things now but in five years you'll only have maybe between a fifth and a tenth of the things you buy today. Where did that money go?

As one gets older, your income will increase. For those who started young enough, it only further increases your chances of a comfortable retirement. For those not fortunate enough to have already started saving, it's not hopeless. You simply have more to set aside monthly, but the chance to catch up is there. There is a limit, of course.

The choice is yours and you have the control. The amount of money you will end up with is governed by three factors, all of which you can influence to some degree.

* The amount saved you can directly control.
* The interest earned is indirectly controlled through your choice of banks, account, etc.
* The amount of time is determined by you every single day you postpone saving.


Some important points to keep in mind are the following:

* Try to save 10 percent of your take home.
* Automate the process through your payroll department or bank.
* Keep up with your pay increases. Adjust your savings accordingly.
* When you pay off a car, credit card or house, add that monthly payment to your savings. You've already been doing without it.

To get an amount saved that will guarantee your financial freedom will take time. Starting early is therefore critical for optimal results. Start with what you can and get used to leaving the money alone. Try thinking of it as just another bill to be paid. Best would be to automate the savings to lessen any temptations of spending the money by not having it already in the separate savings account. With time you will come to appreciate the scale of growth and the temptation of spending it will lessen.

Erik Kraemer is author to a small number of articles concerning diverse topics such as personal finance, creative process and travel. You can read more of his work at the savings interest calculator website.

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Erik Kraemer - EzineArticles Expert Author

Budgeting 101 - A Beginner's Guide

Budgeting and financial planning are the cornerstones of responsible money management. Not only that, but they are vital in developing a workable plan for the future, and can even reduce stress. While many people shy away from the accountability and responsibility required to create and maintain an accurate budget, buckling down and building a budget can ultimately help reduce stress and worry, and lead to a more pleasant and fulfilling life. So, what are you waiting for?

Before getting started, it's important to define what a budget is, and what it is not. It is not just a list of where your money goes each month, and it is not a hard and fast rule that can't be bent or broken. A budget is a comprehensive overall picture of your financial situation where money comes in, where it goes out, and what it's spent on. A budget is a plan, a map of the financial future. It should include salaries, bonuses, bills, insurance, savings, and other expenditures. It should be divided into wants and needs and should be organized as a line-item list, with each item categorized and accounted for.

Most importantly, a budget should be accurate. Creating a budget that is inaccurate is a complete waste of time. People often create budgets that reflect where they want to be financially, or that ignore certain one-time-only expenditure this is not going to be effective. Instead of focusing on where you want to be and fudging the lines of where you are, make your budget an accurate and honest reflection of your current economic situation. Once you have that in place, you will be able to more easily identify where changes can and should be made, and you can begin to transform your financial situation by spending and saving responsibly.

Just as a budget should be honest and accurate, it should also be flexible. While, whenever possible, we try to plan for the unexpected, it is a fact of life that there will be times you need to go beyond your budget a family emergency, for example. This is understandable, and does not indicate some failure on your part to plan. In such situations, simply keep account of your spending and adjust your budget for subsequent months, where possible, to make up for the extra expenditures. Situations like these are not negative, in fact, they are one of the reasons saving is so important, and should be made a habit. One way to begin this habit is to include saving in your budget, as if it were a monthly bill. Determine what you can afford, and pay it out as you would any other necessary expense, like your mortgage or electric bill. When circumstances arise out of your control that require more spending than you had planned for or anticipated, having a healthy savings can save you an immense amount of stress and frustration.

The most important thing to remember about a budget is that it is a living, breathing thing "well, not really, but it should be treated as such. A budget will do you no good if you create it then put it aside and never look at it again. A budget should be updated monthly and kept on hand for quick reference and revision. Keeping your budget up to date will allow you to see not only where you are financially, but will help you see how to get where you'd like to be.

Escapeso real estate helps investors in Austin Texas. They manage a site which provides a graphical search of the Austin MLS. Their is also statistics on their site about Austin real estate and Round Rock Texas real estate.

Article Source:

Ki Gray - EzineArticles Expert Author

12 Time-Tested Strategies To Build Wealth For You and Your Family...Forever.

The only way to build-wealth long term is learning how to have the right mind-set. The philosophies below are the foundation needed to build long term prosperity and income from home that will support your life-style rather than your life-style supporting your business.

1. Maintain a P.MA.

In case you didn't know P.M.A. stands for a Positive Mental Attitude. Notice, this is the first AND the most important habit on the list.

I sometimes take it for granted that people understand this philosophy, but most people have no-clue. There is only one thing we all can control...and that's our attitude.

We all know people who brighten a room when they enter it and we all know people who brighten a room when they leave it. Which one are you?

There's 2 types of people in this world...those who brighten a room when they enter it...and those who brighten a room when they leave it. Which one are you?

It's all about the B.S. The Belief System.

10% of life is what happens to us, 90% of life is how we react to it.

2. Use Consistent Exercise and Good Nutrition To Maintain "Sound Physical Health."

Elevating your heart rate is the absolute best way to renew yourself emotionally.

You'll hear us talk about it over and over. When you perform high-intensity workouts and nourish yourself properly, that focus and discipline will carry over into every other area of your life.

Just remember, high-intensity exercise and nutrition are the gas and oil for your engine. Sound physical health is what constitutes true wealth.

3. Harmony And Communication In All Human Relationships.

Most of the time we ignore necessary communication because we want to avoid confrontation and we know people sometimes never change. The problem with this behavior is it builds up tension and resentment that limits your talents and potential to succeed.

Don't make this mistake. The best philosophy is to FIRST seek to understand before seeking to be understood. And also, listen twice as much as you speak.

You'll experience life-changing benefits when facing those relational fears, as your deepest and most fulfilling relationships sometimes have the greatest success because you overcame some adversity together.

When you learn to listen to the right people, ask the right questions, and communicate properly...the financial flood gates will open.

4. Strength To Face Your Fears & Manage Risk.

There is significant scientific research that shows when you face a fear and overcome it, you become stronger and more confident in other areas of your life where you once felt weak and insecure. Also, I learned years ago that I had to take manageable risk. I started my wellness business with no capital, no home, and no help. I took a manageable risk and built it up to be in the top 10 in the world for 3 years in a row now. All because I faced a fear and took a risk.

A turtle never gets anywhere without sticking its neck out. Face the fear and do it anyway.

5. Vision Of Future Achievement.

We've all learned and applied hand-written goals and experienced the benefits....however, your mind doesn't know the difference between what you see OR what you visualize. So, you might as well focus on visualizing your 'perfect' future. Then, over time, your body and mind will manifest your visualization.

Don't underestimate the benefits this behavior will bring into your life.

First, hand-write your perfect day and then write down everything you want to "Be", everything you want "Do", and everything you want to "Have". Once you're finished, create a picture book or a vision board and put pictures of everything you wrote down into your book or on your board.

You can access the pics at Google Images.

Next, create a written paragraph stating your perfect day along with everything you want to "be, do, and have" and read it out loud to yourself 5 to 6 days a week. Lastly, review your picture book or vision board 5 to 6 days a week.

This isn't some "Secret" movie garbage either. By reading your vision out loud and reviewing your pictures you will program your body to act on your future.

Vision creates action. Action kills poverty.

6. Applied Faith.

Anyone can begin a marathon. Champions finish them...and all champions act on and apply faith. Applying faith for your financial future will give you the enthusiasm to attract the right people in your life. God rewards reachers who have faith. Your dreams and goals are worth any fight, and waiting, any price. Applied faith will help you finish the race.

7. Willingness To Share Your Wisdom And Gifts.

When you let go of the gifts and seeds you possess in your hands, then God will automatically let go of what's in his hands and bless you 10 fold of what you give.

This is the law of the world. You can test it by being a 'giver' or a 'taker.'

There are 2 types of people in this world - those who make deposits and those who make withdrawals.

Make sure you live and breath this law. By doing so, you automatically set yourself up for the flow-of-financial favor.

8. Always Pursue Your Passion.

We've all chased the damn dollar only to find out in the end when and "if" we find it, we're still not happy. Don't get me wrong here...I know money is important. It's right up there with oxygen. :-) But, it's not everything.

The only way that we can stay focused long term is to be engaged in a labor of love. When we pursue and build our wealth around our passion, our focus guarantees success. What's your passion? Pursue it.

9. An Open Mind Towards All People And All Views.

Every single one of us is going to judge other people. It's human nature. We all come in different colors, shapes, sizes. We all have different beliefs and different views of the world. We all have bad habits and we all have good habits. We're all different. I learned long ago while overcoming troubled relationships to have an open mind.

Our world should live by the philosophy of "unconditional-acceptance" for ALL people.

10. Never Follow The Herd.

I learned over 10 years ago while competing in a physique transformation contest that the definition of discipline is usually doing the exact opposite of what everyone else is doing...and doing the opposite of what our human nature wants us to do. When we go against the grain and don't follow the herd, we develop complete self-discipline.

Since 65% of the population is overweight and 95% of the population is dead-broke...don't do what they're doing! Stick with what you know is best and don't follow the herd!

11. The Continuous Pursuit Of Wisdom And Knowledge.

Did you know that 95% of Americans don't read one book a year! No wonder people are fat and broke. Everyone should be on a continuous pursuit of learning. Try to read one book a month. This will position you financially to see and embrace change rather that 'react' to it.

You're either growing or you're get busy living or get busy dying.

12. Ability To Serve Others For Financial Freedom & Security.

Observe money comes LAST on the list.

Once you start using your passion to stay focused, your only other option is to share your passion with others. This 'servant mentality' is quite possibly the most emotional and financial rewarding philosophy that everyone should follow.

Zig Ziglar said it best. "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll get everything is life that you want."

Develop a servant mentality and financial provision is a guarantee.


Although most of the strategies above don't actually involve money directly...they will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, if used consistently. Building these philosophies into your life as habits will allow you to create wealth and have harmony in every other area. So, if your goal is financial freedom and security (and you're motivated and coach-able), apply these philosophies and you're off to the races.

Stay fit and keep growing.

Shaun Hadall

Creator & Author of GL12

Do you want to learn more about being healthier and using your newly-found health as a stepping-stone to achieving financial freedom? Learn about how to lose weight and build your wealth with Get Lean In 12!

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